
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone! 

We are spending this Easter with Chad's family, up in Chad's hometown so, Chad got his Easter basket yesterday! I decided to take a page out of Jessica's book over at Little baby garvin and make Chad a cool Easter basket out of a beer case. 

I bought a 6 pack of Chad's favorite beer, Angry Orchard (it's actually hard cider). I removed three of the beers out of one side (for drinking later).

I pushed the separators out of the way and stuffed it with Easter grass.

I added some candy and goodies that he likes (I can't promise I didn't eat some of it while assembling). And that's it! Easy as pie! You could add some decoration on the actual box, like Jessica did, but I chose the easy way out!

Enjoy your Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Very good idea! I might steal this for Blake next year.
