
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Baby J {6 months}

A little late but here are Jordans updates from when he turned 6 months. He's a smiley, happy little boy most of the time and of course  time is flying by!! 

6 Month Favorites::

Rolling everywhere - He is close to crawling but this is his primary means of transportation.

All of his sisters toys - I see many fights in our future.


Height: 27 in (50th %tile)

Weight: 16lbs 14oz (40th %tile)

Teeth: None but lots and lots of drool!

Clothes: 6 month. Also some 6-9 month!

Signature Moves:: 

{Crawling stance}
He can get up to his hands and knees and can move his arms and knees but can't quiet get this sync down to move! He mostly face plants!

{Sitting up by himself}
Sits up and plays by himself although he would much rather be rolling or crawling!


{Night time} 
 He will either wake up once in the night or not at all. He goes to bed anywhere from 6:00-6:45pm and will wake up around 6:00 most mornings!

He takes about three naps a day. Sometimes 2, if they are longer. Awake about 2 hours at a time.


He is still eating the Alimentium Hypoallergenic Formula. He does about 5-6 bottles during the day. He eats 6 oz bottles at each feeding. He still occasionally gets up 1 time to eat in the middle of the night (2-3 am) and that bottle is about 3 oz. 

We started solids and it was a slow go. He wasn't really into eating at first but the more we tried the more he warmed up to it. His favorites are bananas and sweet potatoes!


Halloween was so much fun. Since he goes to bed so early, I wasn't sure if he would make it to trick or treat but he did. We dressed him in a hand me down dinosaur costume. He was so cute!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Nana and Papaw's house. It was really nice to see family that we don't see very often! 

We spent most of the month sick! Several colds and a stomach bug. But that also meant I got lots of baby snuggles...

I'm soaking in all the baby snuggles I can because time is absolutely rushing past me. I won't have a baby much longer. We love you sweet boy. Don't grow too fast!

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