
Friday, June 12, 2015

Recap Spring

This spring has really gotten away from me. It has been about 3 months since my last update! So much to catch up on. We have been extremely busy and the summer is going to be even busier. So, I want to get a head on blogging again before I'm too far behind. I would love to do weekly posts this summer, since it seems every weekend we are going somewhere or doing something fun! We will see how on top of it we can be!

Okay, let's catch up!

We spent Easter with Chad's family. It was a really nice day, we were able to go outside and run around. Kaylee loves to be outside! The Easter Bunny brought Kaylee a water table to play with, which, is so much fun! She loves to splash around in it! Also, in her basket, were books, Tangled, bubbles & new socks! She has yet to watch the movie, since she can't sit still for even 5 seconds, but she LOVES bubbles. She asks for them on a daily basis, and then wants to blow them herself. Which is one of the cutest and messiest things I've seen!

We took Kaylee for her first Easter Egg Hunt. It was adorable! We were skeptical that she would be able to do it. So, we practiced at home first, spreading out eggs and teaching her to pick them up and put them in the basket. She immediately picked up (no pun intended) on it. She was running around the house picking all the eggs up, then dumping them back out to pick them up again. So, when we got to the Egg Hunt she was a pro! We went around and picked up some eggs, ate some cookies and candy! It was a chilly, but very fun day. I just love that she is getting old enough to be able to participate in things like that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is my favorite age.

I went to see Lion King with my sister, mom and niece in April. It was awesome! So much fun to have a little girls day out. We had lunch then went to the show. I recommend it highly! The music and costume designs are just unbelievable. Something everyone should witness at least once!

We have welcomed the warm weather with open arms! It is so nice, with a baby, to be able to go out of the house without a million layers on!

We bought zoo passes this year and have been a handful of times so far. Kaylee loves elephants and she is proficient at her animal noises. She also loves the manatee house. The wagon was a new purchase and I'm going to have strong arms pulling it around the parks this summer!

When the weather is just right, we have been taking walks around the neighborhood. Kaylee loves to look at the ducks in the neighborhood pond. She loves to be outside no matter what. She stands at our back door saying "ou-side, ou-side!" Loves to run in the backyard, play in her new baby pool and water table and on the swing set. The hardest part is keeping up with the sunblock on her little bald head!

Well, I think that about covers the recap of our spring! It is going to be an adventurous summer and I know it will just fly by!

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