
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Covered in Paint... and Sore!

It is true what they say, they being my mother, if you have things around the house that you are unmotivated to get done, throw a party and it will motivate you. And boy does it! I have done more around the house since we have decided to have a housewarming party in two weeks than I have all summer! This weekend I decided to buckle down and get the last remaining rooms of our house that needed painting done! And I am very proud to say that I did it! I painted three rooms in three days! They look sooo much better than before and I finally feel like our house is coming together and looking like a home! Now we have officially painted every room in our house! Phew!

First was our "yellow room" or "queen room" as we call it. When we moved in it had a Raggedy Ann and Andy boarder around it and thanks to some wallpaper-be-gone, I think that's it's official name,  and a fresh set of paint it had a major transformation. Unfortunately, I didn't take before pictures, so the pictures we took on our walk-through before we bought the house will have to do. :)


Next was the "Princess Room" which my niece is very disappointed we painted, Chad is a little too :), but it needed to be done! It was painted pink on the bottom and white on the top with a princess boarder separating the two colors. Like so....

We spent our Sunday running around town, literally in the car for hours, picking up box spring mattresses from wonderful friends who gave them too us for free! Now that we have something to put our mattresses on (instead of the floor, which made the room look like a frat house) and a some paint, Voila!

Last, but certainly not least, is the office. This room had a lovely Noah's arc boarder and a HUGE Noah's Arc mural on the wall. My mother in law and I took this boarder down with the wallpaper-be-gone when we first moved in so thankfully, it was just in need of some paint! 

This is our favorite room, and also the only room we bought new paint for. We love this color! The other two rooms we recycled and used left over paint from other rooms in the house! It was hard work and my body is hating me and so sore right now, but it was worth it!

Lastly, amist running around like crazy today, we also went and picked up our couch we bought for our front room! Check it out, I'm in love! 

There is still a lot to do on the house, little things, but we have time. I am trying to priorities now what can be done after the party and what I want done before (also what we have money for now). It was a crazy weekend with Chad being out of town and my last few days of my job. I am excited for tomorrow and to start my new job! When will I have time for home renovations now?

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